¥Map and Set Usage
你需要将 Maps 和 Sets 封装在对象内。当你希望反映其更新时(例如在 React 中),你可以通过在其上调用 setState
¥You need to wrap Maps and Sets inside an object. When you want its update to be reflected (e.g. in React), you do it by calling setState
on it:
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¥You can view a codesandbox here: https://codesandbox.io/s/late-https-bxz9qy
import { create } from 'zustand'
const useFooBar = create(() => ({ foo: new Map(), bar: new Set() }))
function doSomething() {
// doing something...
// If you want to update some React component that uses `useFooBar`, you have to call setState
// to let React know that an update happened.
// Following React's best practices, you should create a new Map/Set when updating them:
useFooBar.setState((prev) => ({
foo: new Map(prev.foo).set('newKey', 'newValue'),
bar: new Set(prev.bar).add('newKey'),